- Part Time
- Duration : 6 Weeks
- Class : 1.30 Hrs Daily
- Days : Mon-Fri.
- Half Time
- Duration : 3 Weeks
- Class : 3.00 Hrs Daily
- Days : Mon-Fri.
- Full Time
- Duration : 2 Weeks
- Class : 4.30 Hrs Daily
- Days : Mon-Fri.
Module 1
- Introduction to Java programming
- Understanding Java Virtual Machine
- Understanding the structure of a Java Program
- Printing messages
- Data types and Operators
- Taking user input
- Using Scanner class
- Using InputStreamReader and Buffered Reader classes
Module 2
Core Programming Concepts
- Performing arithmetic operations to solve problems
- Working with if – else, if – else if – else and nested if – else
- Working with switch – case statement and break statement
- Working with while – loop, do – while – loop and for – loop
- Working with Arrays
- Single and Multi-Dimensional Arrays
Module 3
- Declaring a function
- Understanding local and global variables
- Types of function – return type and non-return type
- Function arguments
- Array as function argument
- Recursive function
Module 4
Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
- Understanding the principles of OOP
- Encapsulation
- Data Abstraction
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Declaring Classes and Objects
- Understanding data members and member methods
- Constructors
- Parameterized and Default Constructors
Data Abstraction
- Working with access modifiers
- Default, public, private, protected
- Static data member and member function
- Types of Inheritance
- Single, Multi-Level, Hierarchical Inheriance
- Working with ‘this’ and ‘super’ kewords
- Understanding Aggregation and Association
- Abstract Method and Abstract Class
- Working with ‘final’ keyword
- Interface
- Method Overloading
- Constructor Overloading
- Method Overriding
Module 5
Exception Handling
- Types of Errors in Java, Understanding Exceptions
- Working with try-catch block
- Using multi-catch blocks, Using finally block
- Working with ‘throw’ and ‘throws’ keywords
- Understanding try-with-resources
Module 6
String Handing
- Declaring and Initializing Strings
- Working with String methods
- length(), toUpperCase(), toLowerCase()
- indexOf(), charAt(), equals(), compareTo()
- substring(), replace(), split()
- Working with StringBuffer class and methods
- append(), insert(), reverse(), replace()
- Working with toString() and Serialized objects
Module 7
File Handling
- Writing data using BufferedWriter, FileWriter class
- Reading data using BufferedReader, FileInputStreamReader class
- Reading and Writing Serialized Objects
Module 8
Multithreading in Java
- Introduction to multithreading
- Life cycle of a thread
- Working with Thread class
- run(), start(), getName(), sleep(), join()
- Working with Runnable interface
- Thread Synchronization
- Inter-thread Communication
- wait(), notify(), notifyAll()
Module 9
Java Collection Framework
- Role and Importance of Collection Framework
- Use of List & Set based collection
- Use of Iterator & ListIterator
- Use of Maps
- Searching elements in List, Hash and Tree based collections
- Role of equals and hashCode() methods
- Role of Comparable and Comparator interfaces
- Thread safety and Vector
- Difference b/w Enumeration and Iterator
- Type safety and Generics
- Common algorithms and Collections class
- Using Properties class for managing properties files
Module 10
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) with MySQL
- Understanding the significance of Database
- Working with Core SQL Commands
- Establishing JDBC using mysql-connector.jar
- Performing CRUD Operations
Module 11
Java GUI programming using Swing
- Understanding Java Foundation Classes (JFC) and Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT)
- Creating a JFrame
- Adding and Working on a JPanel
- Understanding Layouts
- Adding different Form Controls
- JLabel, JTextField, JPasswordField, Jbutton, Jtable
- Event Handling
Module 12
Java 8 Essentials
- Lambda Expression
- Working with for Each ()
- Functional Interface
- Java Stream API
Struts 2.x
- Introduction to MVC architecture
- Struts2 architecture
- Struts2 Components
- Controller
- Actions
- Interceptors
- Result and View Components
- ValueStack and OGNL
- Struts Tag Library
- Control Tags
- Data Tags
- UI Tags
- Understanding ActionContext and ActionInvocation
- Implementing Custom interceptors
- Implementing Custom Result
- Use of Common predefined interceptors
- Params
- Exception
- I18n
- execAndWait
- servletconfig
- validation
- workflow
- modeldriven
- Custom & predefined validations
- Validatable & ValidationAware
- Required
- requiredString
- int,double & date
- stringLength
- regex
- Internationalization
- Generating composite views using Tiles
- Tiles configuration
- Tiles Tag library
- Tiles result
- Tiles layout
- Using velocity for generating views
- Using zero configuration plug in
- Struts2 Conventions
- Annotation based configuration
Module 2
Spring 3.x
- Introduction to Spring Framework
- Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection
- IOC Container
- Bean Creation
- Construction Injection
- Setter Injection
- Auto Wiring
- Bean Initialization and Destruction
- Aware interfaces: BeanNameAware, BeanFactoryAware
- Lookup Method Injection
- Use of ApplicationContext
- ResourceBundleMessageResource
- Events and Event Handling
- Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP)
- Introduction to AOP
- Implementation of JDK dynamic proxy
- ProxyFactoryBean and Advices
- Applying Advices: Before,After,Around and AfterThrowing
- Using PointCut and Advisor for fine grain control of advices
- Spring Web MVC
- MVC Architecture
- Front Controller and DispatcherServlet
- Spring Controller
- Context Configuration
- View Resolution
- InternalResourceViewResolver
- Stereotype Controllers
- Request mapping by annotations
- Path Variables
- Handler method parameters
- Handler method return types
- Command beans and working with forms
- Binding results and errors
- Other Controller annotations
- Other View resolvers
- Exception Handling
- JDBCTemplate
- Introduction to Template Design Pattern
- Applicability of Template in JDBC
- JDBCTemplate class
- DataSource Configuration
- Dao Support
- Transactions
- Transaction Manager
- IDeclarative Transactions
- Transaction attributes
- Transaction Annotations
- Transaction Template
Module 3
Hibernate With JPA
- Introduction to ORM & Hibernate
- ORM Advantages
- Hibernate Architecture
- Hibernate Configuration
- Session & SessionFactory
- Basic persistent operations
- Save
- Update
- Delete
- Merge
- Refresh
- Eager & Lazy loading by Id
- load()
- get()
- Id Generator
- Increment
- Sequence
- Foreign
- Hibernate Mapping
- Inheritance Mapping
- Collection Mapping
- Has-A Mapping
- Query Execution
- Introduction to HQL
- Criteria
- Expression
- Projection
- Hibernate Caching
- Introduction to Caching
- Difference b/w firs & second level caching
- Understanding second level caching architecture
- Implementing second level caching using EHCACHE
- Java Persistence API (JPA)
- Introduction to JPA
- JPA Configuration for Hibernate & Toplink
- Performing Basic persistence operations using JPA
- Inheritance Mapping using JPA
- Has-A Mapping using JPA
- Integration to other frameworks
- Integration to Spring
- Integration to Struts
- Part Time
- Duration : 2 months
- Class : 1.30 Hrs Daily
- Days : Mon-Fri.
- Half Time
- Duration : 1 Month
- Class : 3.00 Hrs Daily
- Days : Mon-Fri.
- Full Time
- Duration : 2 Weeks
- Class : 4.30 Hrs Daily
- Days : Mon-Fri.
Module 1
- Types of Web Applications
- Websites Static v/s Dynamic
- Client – Server Architecture
- 2 – Tier Architecture
- 3 – Tier Architecture
- Overview of JSP and Servlets
- Setting up development environment
- Installing JDK
- Installing Netbeans IDE
- Installing Apache Tomcat
- Running the first JSP page
Module 2
JSP Fundamentals
- Understanding the structure of a JSP Page
- JSP Expressions
- JSP Script lets
- JSP Declarations
- JSP Built-In Objects
- Including files in JSP
Module 3
HTML Form Data Handling
- HTML Forms Overview
- Adding input text and button
- Adding a Drop-Down List
- Working with Radio Buttons
- Working with Checkboxes
Module 4
State Management with JSP
- Working with Sessions
- Working with Cookies
Module 5
JSP Standard Tag Library
- Overview of JSP Tag Library
- Installing JSTL JAR file
- JSTL Core Tags
- out, import, if, choose-when-otherwise, forEach, param
- JSTL Function Tags
- length, toUppercase, toLowerCase, startsWith, split, join, contains, containsIgnoreCase
Module 6
Servlet Fundamentals
- Hello World Servlet
- Servlet v/s JSP
- Life Cycle of a Servlet
- Reading HTML form data with Servlets
- doGet() v/s doPost()
- Sending a response
- Sending parameters
- Dispatching and forwarding requests
Module 7
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) with Servlets
- Establishing JDBC using mysql-connector.jar
- Performing CRUDS Operations
- Showing results in a JSP page
Module 8
State Management with Servlets
- Working with Sessions
- Working with Cookies
Servlet Configuration
- Working with ServletContext
- Working with ServletConfig
Servlet Filter
- Overview of Servlet Filter
- Creating a User Authentication Servlet Filter
- Configuring the Filter in web.xml
- Running the User Athentication Servlet Filter
Module 9
The Model-View-Controller (MVC) Architecture
- Overview of MVC Architecture
- Creating a Model class
- Creating a Services class
- Creating a View page
- Creating a Servlet to bind the View with the Service using the Model
- Performing CRUDS Operation
Module 10
Building a Dynamic Web Project